What Is The Status Of My Online Order?Updated 10 months ago
When you place an order on totencarry.com, you will receive email updates concerning your order status via Order confirmation email and an SMS message.
Shipping confirmation email
You'll receive a confirmation email once the label gets printed. If your tracking information does not show movement right away, please understand our warehouse team works very hard to try to get all orders out as quickly as possible. However on occasion they do run behind. Please give us up to 48 hours, if after 48 hours you still do not see movement, please contact our support team at: [email protected] , and someone will respond within 24 hours. If you send the email on the weekend, please give us until Monday to respond.
Order confirmation email
Within an hour after placing an order on totencarry.com, you will receive an email confirmation which includes:
Order number
Item(s) ordered
Price of each item
Shipping address(es)
Billing address
Save this confirmation, as it can be used to Check The Status of your order.
Order confirmation emails not received within an hour
If you don’t receive an order confirmation email within an hour:
Check your spam folder
Check Order History in your totencarry.com account
If you don’t find your order confirmation email in your spam or inbox folders within an hour, please allow 24 hours for your order to process. Once it's processed, you’ll receive your order confirmation email.
Shipping confirmation email
Each shipping confirmation email will provide your tracking details.
Pre-ordered items
If you order pre-order items, please keep in mind these items will not be shipped right away. Pre-order items are items that have not yet arrived in stock. If you are subscribed to our mailing list (have created an account with us) you will receive notifications once new items arrive in stock, or estimated dates of arrival. If you no longer want to wait, please contact our support team and they can assist you with canceling, or changing your order. You can reach them at: [email protected]